BlackBerry IVY

2021 | Amazon Web Services
Automotive Data Platform

BlackBerry IVY is a scalable, cloud-connected software platform that lets automakers create personalized driver and passenger experiences and improve operations of connected vehicles. 

I designed end-to-end user experience from command line developer tools to cloud based software management.

UX Vision & Timeline

Joining the project a year after its beginnings, the first task was to communicate a vision for the user experience to stakeholders who had begun to lose site of the console value without a north star.

I built on the persona research work already done, and created high level user journey maps and key-screens to explain the benefits of the console UX. 

I worked with the engineering and product teams to identify the various workstreams and dependencies then mapped out an estimated timeline which we could use as a guide for our weekly sync meetings.

With customer branding as a strong product requirement we elected to use a the Material (MUI) design system as a basis for front end development.

I rebuilt the components from the ground up in Sketch and extended the base system with the more complex components needed for a robust data platform.

This library was the foundation of interface mockups and shared with other designers on the team.

Customize and create a design system

Beyond the typical user journeys and site maps, I created high level system diagrams of the platform, highlighting how the different roles and artifacts interact with each other.

Then I dug deeper into the backend systems.  With our non-relational databases there wasn't a strict definition of the data objects and relationships, though they were presented as such in the front end.

To document and visualize this I created an entity relationship diagram showing interface requirements for data and giving us a structured way to discuss the IA.

An entity relationship diagram showing the object properties and relationships.

Information Architecture and System Overview

The IVY cloud console targeted a less technical audience, providing  software approval, management and deployment tools for administrative users.

Visualise and Prototype

Developer Experience (CLI)

Developers are happiest in their IDE of choice.  For IVY I created mockups detailing the experience of downloading and installing the IVY SDK and plugin in Intelli-J, creating new projects, and submitting a software build to the platform.


Design System and Accessibility


AWS - Automotive Manufacturing